Friday, December 31, 2010

End of 2010

Hi Everyone,
I hope you all had a wonderful 2010! If not, I hope your 2011 is better than this last year.

My resolution for this coming year is to continue to do my best in all my endeavors. Most people think that if they make a resolution, their lives will change instantly. But most of the time this does not happen, so I think that it is more realistic to just do your best and try to continue to make the small changes a person needs on a daily basis.

Here is a recent picture of Lund's Gulch on the Meadowdale Beach Trail in Lynnwood. I would love to take more waterfall and stream pictures in 2011, as they are my favorite shots to take.

Have a Safe and Happy New Year everyone!!!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

End of Fall Quarter

Well it has literally been a school quarter since I've posted. But I thought it would be nice to share some new pictures as well as some new insights.

Since my last post, I entered into the WA State Photographers Exhibition, where I won two Judges Choice awards for both my Solitary Post photo, as well as my Ghost Station picture. So that was exciting to actually win some awards for my work.

Also, during the last quarter, I decided to add Political Science as my second major, as well as get more involved on campus.

The picture I have tonight is of the Columbia River, which also led me to call it the "Mighty Columbia". It is one of my new favorite shots, and I managed to sell a framed print of it at this year's Ware Fair. The shot is a 3 shot HDR processed in Photomatix. The shot was taken just outside of Vantage, Washington where the old Vantage Highway crossed the Columbia. It is a magical place, and I look forward to taken more shots of the majestic river before I graduate. Enjoy!