Saturday, July 31, 2010

To New Beginnings!

Hi All!

I have returned from my hiatus. I will see how often I can make new posts, but seeing as I have plenty of new material, there should be no problem getting posts up fairly regularly.

Well a quick run down of what has happened over the past couple of months: finished Spring quarter, started Summer quarter, and got engaged!!! Plus everything in between, but that's too much to go into tonight. The one thing you all should know is that I did get my photo Red, Green, Blue into the Edmonds Art Festival. I didn't win anything, but it was nice since it was the first time I've gotten my photography into that festival.

For tonight's photo, I have a recent picture picture from Richmond Beach in Shoreline. It's a 3 shot HDR. I entered it into the Washington State Photographer's Contest. Hope it gets in. Thanks for viewing!